The first year of the European partnership Driving Urban Transitions comes to an end. And what a year it was! Launching our first DUT call with more than 40 national agencies participating and providing about 70 million Euro for R&I projects, kicking off our community and capacity building activities and restarting international outreach. We were happy to meet many of you at our launch event and in various workshops, conferences, and stakeholder dialogues.
We are looking forward to continuing and intensify our work next year, making contributions to the European and global cities mission, through strategic policy work in the Transition Pathways, by way of bringing new countries and stakeholders into the programme, bringing research results into practice and giving support to national mission implementation in the DUT-related CapaCITIES project. The consultation process towards the next DUT call, to be launched towards end of next year in collaboration with Belmont Forum, starts in January.
Your engagement in all these activities – funding partners, city panels, projects exploring innovative pathways and stakeholders inspiring us and one another – is the key enabler to drive urban transitions and achieve our European goals. I want to thank you all for being part of our JPI Urban Europe and DUT community, for your enthusiasm and commitment.
With this we wish you wonderful and relaxing winter holidays and a smooth transition into 2023.
Margit Noll, Chair of the DUT Management Board

Exploring Urban Transformation Capacities in Brazil
With over 216 million inhabitants of which 89% of the population lives in cities, Brazil is one the most urbanised countries in the world. While the size of urban areas, and thus shape of urban challenges, compared to Europe differ, there is a need for strengthening partnerships between public administration and research and innovation to support capacity building for urban transformation. For that reason, ENRICH in LAC, an initiative funded by the EU’s H2020 programme with the support of JPI Urban Europe and the European Partnership Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) organised a delegation visit to São Paulo with the title “Exploring Urban Transformation Capacities in Brazil. Read more about the visit!
Connecting the dots in Uruguay
Right after “Exploring Urban Transformation Capacities in Brazil” Margit Noll, CEO of DUT and myself had the pleasure to continue our journey through Latin America with a stop to Montevideo, Uruguay. What a fantastic and inspiring place with a high quality of life this city is. Side fact: Did you for example know that Uruguay runs on 98% of renewable energy? More about Johannes Riegler's days in Uruguay assessing opportunities for cooperation between Uruguayan and inter-american funders and DUT Partnership / JPI Urban Europe.
Four projects recommended for funding in the EN-UAC additional call “Innovations for Managing Sustainable Urban Accessibility”
The 7 national funding agencies, from 5 countries, in the call "Innovations for Managing Sustainable Urban Accessibility" (EN-UAC Innovation Action), have agreed on four projects recommended for funding. These transnational innovation- and research projects gather researchers, cities and municipalities, businesses, civil society as well as other stakeholders. Read more about the projects
DUT Call 2023 - Get Involved
DUT Stakeholder Consultation
This is an advance notice that we will soon be reaching out to you - our DUT stakeholder community – with a survey on challenges and priorities for the 2023 DUT Call. This stakeholder consultation will be released in January 2023:
- Opening: January 9, 2023
- Closing: February 6, 2023
The goal of this consultation is to 1) assess the relevance of challenges and priorities, 2) identify missing gaps, and 3) provide input for our next, more dialogue-oriented format of AGORA. Read more
AGORA Strategic Dialogue
Join us for our next strategic AGORA, where we will take an in-depth look at the priorities of the three transition pathways for our next call in 2023. This AGORA is linked to our stakeholder consultation process and goes a step further than the survey (see to the left). Help us shape our call and identify the most pressing priorities that DUT should address. The AGORA Strategic Dialogue will take place in the week of 20 – 24 February. More details will be released in January 2023. Keep yourself posted on the DUT website!
SUGI project results catalogue
For too long cities have approached food, water, and energy with silo thinking. We need to shift to a joined-up approach. By equipping ourselves with data, securing a local supply of resources, and establishing circularity to extinguish waste we can develop robust, resilient cities that more than meet growing demands without compromising equity or ecology. This is the Food-Water-Energy Nexus challenge in a nutshell. The SUGI projects’ results catalogue highlights some of the results and outcomes from 15 research and innovation projects that started in 2017 with a focus on the food, water and energy challenges in urban area. To the project results catalogue!
Visualised land use scenarios for food and energy production in cities
Findings from the IN-SOURCE project shows decision-makers that it is possible to find solutions that tackle the food demand and energy requirements of cities at the same time. Building on an existing model, the project has developed a data model that lets urban planners directly compare urban land use scenarios for food production with scenarios for generating renewable energy. In addition, a 3D rendering tool lets policymakers create visualisations of land use scenarios suitable for public communication and consultation. Read the article
Rigorous and credible water models can help us fight against future water scarcity
FUSE is using a holistic food-water-and energy approach to address future water shortage scenarios in Jordan and India. In doing so it has created the most detailed and comprehensive national water model on Earth, assisting decision-makers to choose the best strategies for tackling water scarcity. Its work also demonstrates that a rigorous approach to modelling is necessary for credibility. Read the article
A different governance of joint resources? Results from the Creating Interfaces urban living labs
What are the benefits of targeting food in the food-water-energy nexus? Is it time to govern these resources differently in cities? The Creating Interfaces project has carried out international research on how food, energy and water systems interact (as a nexus) in three cities: Slupsk (Poland) Tulcea (Romania) and Wilmington (U.S.A). We met with Pia Laborgne and Iulian Nichersu to learn from their results. Read the article
Results from M-NEX help policy makers redesign urban environments to lower CO2 emissions
How do you meet the everyday needs of citizens, and lower CO2 emissions simultaneously? The M-NEX project has designed a measurement system that allows urban policymakers to pinpoint and quantify exactly which neighbourhoods produce the most CO2. The system provides a nine-step methodology to reduce carbon emissions. Read the article
The Knowledge hub - a platform for gathering knowledge and experiences for a sustainable city
Within the ERA-Net Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity Call (EN-UAC) a Knowledge Hub has now been established – a platform that enables exchange of knowledge, expertise and results in urban accessibility and connectivity from various actors like public authorities, civil society, scientists, innovators, business, and industry. The platform is to be an inclusive environment for urban actors with different backgrounds, where they can gather and discuss current themes and priorities but also to identify the biggest urban challenges today and in the future. The Knowledge Hub is coordinated by University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU). Read more!
Urban Mobility Next 9 - Mobility for more liveable urban spaces
The Thought Leadership Study “±15-Minute City: Human-centred planning in action” focuses on how the concept of the 15-minute City brought back human-centred planning to the attention. The study provides practical tools and recommendations for planning practitioners and policy makers on how to implement and evaluate their 15-minute Cities in a way that takes into consideration their local context and different demographic and socio-economic groups. Read the study
Positive Energy Districts
Expert support for the PED Transition Pathway
On 13 December, the PED Expert Support Facility (ESF) was kicked off. Nine experts, nominated by the projects selected from PED Call II, will support the strategic development PED Transition Pathway by coordinating between the nine PED Call II projects and continuous synthetisation of project developments, challenges and outcomes. There will be close cooperation between the ESF and the PED Management regarding identified key issues for PED development, scoping for PED topics in the DUT Calls and dissemination of central PED messages from the projects. The ESF members pool a wide range of professional backgrounds and expertise linked to PED development, We are looking forward to exciting discussions and inputs - watch out for first results in 2023!
Whether you are an interested citizen, activist, politician, public administrator, entrepreneur or academic, we gladly invite you to join our events.
We invite stakeholders in the energy transition processes and all interested in driving urban transformation to join a DUT webinar series on key elements for accelerating the implementation of Positive Energy Districts. R&I research results will be presented.
PEDs & ENVIRONMENT - 13 January
PEDs & PEOPLE - 20 January
PEDs & MONEY - 27 January
PEDs & REGULATION - 3 February
Urban Lunch Talk: Envisioning a sustainable future theme
27 February 2023, 12:00-13:00, online
Welcome to an Urban Lunch Talk about building transformation capacities through art and design. With the new envisioned future theme, the event will involve discussions on how to imagine a sustainable urban future with aesthetic perspectives and approaches.
Actionable knowledge for a climate resilient Europe
19-21 June 2023, Dublin, Ireland
ECCA2023 is being organised by a European-wide Advisory Committee led by JPI Climate and climate project, MAGICA, supported by the European Commission. It will be showcasing real-world examples of adaptation measures around state-of-the-art science and research for a climate resilient Europe.
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DUT - European Partnership Driving Urban Transitions
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