Matchmaking event with National Science Foundation in Washington

On January 13, JPI Urban Europe toghether with the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA, organised a matchmaking event for the open call for propsals ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity at the Swedish Embassy in Washington DC, USA.

The event was arranged in connection to the Transportation Research Board Conference that takes place annualy in Washington DC and is one of the largest events on transportation issues attracting more than 13,000 professionals from around the world.

The matchmaking event, with nearly 60 participants, started with presentations from the hosting organisations on the call and requirements for participating. Margit Noll, chair of the Management Board, JPI Urban Europe talked about the ambitions and formalities of the call and David Corman, program director NSF, presented the program Smart and Connected Communities (S&CC) which has common grounds and goals with JPI Urban Europe. See their presentations in the video below. er the presentation followed a matchmaking session where participants gathered in groups according to the call challenges and explored possibilites for joint resarch.

During the event, possibilites for American partners to participate in the call were discussed. Although NSF was not an initial partner in the call there are alternatives to form consortia with actors from USA. Please check the presentation and/or video below for a presentation on the Smart and Connected Communities program with alternatives on how to join.


If you are an American actor interested in joining the call, please contact:

David Corman, Program Director NSF:

Mangala Sharma, Program Manager NSF:


Presentation: NSF, Smart and Connected Communities and possibilites for international collaboration

Presentation: JPI Urban Europe and ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity


Introduction to JPI Urban Europe, the call and NSF

Q&A on opportunities for international cooperation






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