The objective of this public consultation is to get advice and feedback for the preparation of the transnational, European call for research and innovation (R&I) proposals dedicated to urban transformation capacities, that is the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) call. In this call, 16 national research and innovation funding agencies, from 14 European countries (namely members of the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe), with the European Commission, have earmarked a global budget of about 18 M€, in order to support transnational R&I projects, in the context of the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC). The call for proposals is currently planned to be launched late January 2021.
About the call
A preliminary version of the call text has already been drafted and is now available for feedback (see bottom of this page). It consists of three main topics, each tackling specific aspects of urban transformation capacities:
- Call topic 1: Urban circular economies
This implies functional urban design in support of circular systems, the use of nature-based solutions – that is actions for societal challenges that are inspired by processes and functioning of nature – for resource circularity and business models supporting circularity in resource use and waste management and for materials needed for smart city development. - Call topic 2: Community-based developments and urban innovation ecosystems
This implies innovative neighbourhoods which enable social innovation and local entrepreneurs, inhabitant engagement and co-creation to support liveable, inclusive and attractive neighbourhoods. - Call topic 3: Robust and resilient urban infrastructure and built environment
This implies an urban infrastructure and a built environment which can resist natural, environmental, social, economic and technological threats on smaller and larger scales based on efficient use of resources. It also implies a fair access to urban infrastructure and the built environment.
Participate in the public consultation to learn more
The aim of this public consultation is to get feedback on a preliminary version of the call text, in order to improve and refine it and produce the most relevant possible call for proposals. To participate the consultation, it is important that you are familiar with the call and the preliminary version of the call text. The first step is then to join the ENUTC survey (deadline 24 Nov). There will be a follow-up consultation workshop on Thursday 26 Nov – for qualitative input and discussions on the call topics. The registration of interest to this workshop has closed.
>> Join the ENUTC survey (CLOSED)
Update 2020-11-25: The registration of interest to the consultation workshop (26 Nov, 13.00 – 15.00 CET) has closed. The selection of invited workshop participants has been based on trying to gather a broad range of different types of stakeholders, from different organisations and a variety of countries. There will be more events around this call once it opens. Below the slides from the workshop on 26 Nov:
>> ENUTC PPT 2020-11-26 Consultation Workshop