The European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA) 2015 is the second of its kind, after the ECCA Hamburg 2013. It is the largest meeting place of all actors in the field of climate change adaptation in Europe The conference follows international adaptation conferences in Australia (2010) and the United States (2012). The ECCA-2 theme is “Integrating climate adaptation action in science, policy, practice and business”.
Involvement JPI Urban Europe
JPI Urban Europe with JPI Climate and ICLEI co-hosts a session on the theme “Addressing urban climate challenges: Climate Services, Living Labs and Learning Alliences”. Jonas Bylund (JPI UE Management Board) represents JPI Urban Europe.
Science Practice Workshop: 12 May 2015 – 14:00-16:00/16:30-18:30
ECCA Workshop Climate Services flyer
For more information click here
For registration and fees click here