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Unfolding dilemmas in urban public space development and maintenance:
Consequences for policy and research and innovation
Riga, Latvia
20 Nov // 16.00 Guided tour in host city on the topic of public space
20 Nov // 19.00 Joint Dinner
21 Nov // 09.00 – 17.00 AGORA Workshop: Dilemmas of Public Space
Urban public spaces fulfil important societal functions and shape many of the characteristics of cities and urban areas. However, there are several dilemmas (competing goals, interests, strategies, etc.) involved in their development and maintenance. In simpler terms, addressing one issue/challenge in an urban context might have negative effects in another realm. Regarding urban public spaces, for instance, typical crossings of concerns relate to everyone’s right to the city, openness to different societal groups, climate change actions and how to cater for safety and security without promoting increasingly exclusive spaces.
In order to discuss these issues with you, JPI Urban Europe would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to unfold the dilemmas of urban public spaces. You are welcome to share your expertise, perspectives and experiences from your work and ongoing and/or past projects and to exchange/co-create with colleagues in this multi- and interdisciplinary workshop.
This AGORA Thematic Dialogue will bring together 30-40 participants from urban administration and public authorities, research community, SMEs and business representatives, civil society and, grassroot organisations as well as other urban actors working on related topics.
For questions or comments, please contact: