JPI Urban Europe announces its second high profile conference ”Transition towards sustainable and liveable urban areas” and the launching of the JPI Urban Europe Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The event, jointly organized with European institutions, will take place in Brussels on Tuesday the 29th and Wednesday the 30th September 2015.
JPI Urban Europe has developed the SRIA with the ambition to set a scene for a new urban research and innovation paradigm. Alongside its launching, the conference offers two days with a great variety of activities as part of three events.
Target group
This conference is of interest for policy-makers, mayors, city administration, urban practitioners, urban experts and research, representatives from Member States, Brussels-based urban networks and European institutions.
A wide audience of urban stakeholders will participate, including a multitude of EU representatives and delegates from all JPI Urban Europe member states.
Connecting the Actors – Transition towards sustainable and liveable urban futures
European Parliament
Tuesday afternoon
Presenting the JPI Urban Europe Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda(SRIA) and discussing its research and innovation approach. Mayors and vice-majors from cities across Europe share their experiences of transitioning their cities. A panel with representatives from European Institutions elaborates on the key messages from the cities.
Celebrating and sharing the urban achievements
Norway House
Tuesday evening
Networking event with food, drinks and entertainment.
Committing to joint urban programming and actions
Committee of the Regions
A full day of interaction starting with a presentation of the SRIA with a focus on the first steps towards the implementation and the road-map forward. A panel of cities networking organizations, business and civil society explores possibilities of future joint activities. City stakeholders, researchers and policy-makers are invited for thematic workshops and in-depth discussions.
The conference is free of charge. We offer the possibility to register for the whole conference or separately for each event.
For more information click here
For a provisional programme click here
For registration click here