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SOCIAL VALUE & PROCUREMENT: Transparency in Supply Chains (Modern Slavery) + European Perspectives

30 March 2015

On Monday 30 March the Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) will hold a conference with a focus on the issue of social value, specifically in the UK. This event deals with the most hard hitting issues in social impact and offers an intangible analysis in a completely transparent and data driven way.
Speakers will range from UK government representatives, practitioners working on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and public procurement.
The detailed agenda is still to be defined.
Special attention for SEiSMiC
JPI Urban Europe’s SEiSMiC will address social value in the UK and the European Perspective. This forms a part of the pan-European SEiSMiC project and will take place in the afternoon.


Registration fee:
£150.00 GBP Corporate and Public Sector
£130.00 GBP Third/NGO and Community
Free EU SEiSMiC Members
For registration click here
For more information from CCEG click here
For more information from SEiSMiC click here




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