The objective of the event is to launch the Smart City Guidance Package (SCGP) by presenting the results of the work led by the Integrated Planning, Policy and Regulations Action Cluster of the EIP-SCC in order to provide public authorities of cities and communities, as well as non-governmental actors, with the necessary support for planning and managing smart city projects.
In the initiative “From Planning to Implementation and Upscaling of Smart City Projects” cities, industry, NGO’s and knowledge partners collaborate on the exchange of experiences in the integrated planning and implementation of smart city projects, and their upscaling and replication afterwards to achieve the urban transition to smart and sustainable cities on an increasing scale across Europe.
The Smart City Guidance Package (SCGP) wants to support this exchange so other urban stakeholders can benefit from what has already been done by others. It offers inspiration and guides urban stakeholders by bundling experiences and best practices of cities working on ambitious smart city strategies and projects.