A Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) General Assembly Meeting will be hosted by the University of Antwerp. The theme is “Smart and Energy-Efficient Cities: the Integrated Perspective”. During the meeting, a new subgroup working on this topic under Thematic Working Group 2 “Urban Environmental Sustainability and Resilience” will be launched.
Programme and Documents
The University of Antwerp collaborates with Antwerp Convention Bureau (ACB) for making hotel reservations. Via this way, the university can offer a 10% discount. Upon registration, UERA will forward you a code so you can book a room with this discount.
For questions or comments, please contact:
Inneke Baatsen (Inneke-Baatsen@uantwerpen.be, +32 475340355),
Claudio Coletta (Claudio.Coletta@uantwerpen.be, +32 3 2655360),
Judith Borsboom (Judith.Borsboom@ntnu.no, +47 90228936)