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Webinar Urban Lunch Talk #8: From Public Space to Liveability Case

14 November 2019 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

EDIT: Listen to the recording of this webinar on our Youtube channel, here.

Welcome to an interactive talk about doing business as (un)usual for liveable public space. How can cities and national stakeholders contribute to high-quality Baukultur, and what does it mean? What are the synergies in public space dilemmas, and how can they contribute to more liveable urban areas? You can watch the recording of this webinar in a our playlist on Youtube.

There are several dilemmas (competing goals, interests, strategies, etc.) involved in the development and maintenance of urban public space. Ideally, city stakeholders can integrate issues such as climate, energy, mobility, inclusivness, placemaking and liveability. However, addressing one issue or challenge in an urban context might have negative effects in another area. Typical crossings of concerns relate to everyone’ right to the city, openness to different societal groups, climate change actions and how to cater for safety and security without promoting increasingly exclusive spaces. ‘Inclusive Public Spaces for Urban Livability’ is one of the thematic priorities of JPI Urban Europe’s SRIA 2.0. In this webinar, invited speakers lay out ideas for transitions pathways in public space dilemmas.

  • What actions should innovators, businesses, researchers, civil servants and policy makers attend to, in order to work successfully with the dilemma of public space? What can you do in your specific role?
  • How can cities and national stakeholders contribute to high-quality Baukultur, and what does it mean?
  • Aligning with the World Urban Forum 10 thematics: What is the role of culture (human behaviours, historical culture) in urban public space?
  • What are the interactions among public spaces, urban design, sociology and behaviour research on the one hand- and ICT on the other?



  • Christina Haas is an Urban designer, architect and Baukultur specialist at the Swiss Federal Office of Culture, committed to the sustainable promotion of a high-quality Baukultur: “building is culture and buildings create space for culture” as demonstrated in the Davos Declaration. High-quality Baukultur can lead to well designed and lively cities and villages equipped to meet changing social requirements, while preserving their historical character. How can you contribute to high-quality Baukultur in urban areas?
  • Peter Dalsgaard, Professor of Interaction Design at Aarhus University. Peter explores the use and design of digital systems from a humanistic perspective. On the practical side of things, he explores how we can use these insights to develop new interactive systems that support and augment creative work, often in collaboration with external partners in industry and the public sector. Peter is the Principal investigator of PLACED (Place- and Activity-Centric Digital Library Services) which is part of the JPI Urban Europe ENSUF call. PLACED introduces a new type of place- and activity-centric digital library services. Whereas library services typically focus on providing access to a collection of media, PLACED services support activities.
  • Barbara Goličnik Marušić is Head of research at the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, leading and coordinating the interdisciplinary research programme Spatial planning. She holds a PhD in landscape architecture and is mainly involved in multidisciplinary projects concerned with sustainable development, quality of living and environment-behaviour issues in the context of urban planning and design. Barbara is part of the project C3PLACES (JPI Urban Europe ENSUF call) which uses information and communications technology (ICT) for co-creation of inclusive public places. The project uses a Urban Living Lab approach and is present in Crema (Italy), Ghent (Belgium), Lisbon (Portugal) and Vilnius (Lithuania). The aim is to advance knowledge on the interactions among public spaces, urban design, sociology and behaviour research on the one hand- and ICT on the other. Contact Barbara.
  • (Rapporteur) Jonas Bylund(@urbanalys) is the Research and Innovation Officer in JPI Urban Europe. We will enjoy a wrap up and a meta-reflection from Jonas who will link the talk outcomes to the purposes of JPI Urban Europe’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and dilemma-driven approaches to urban research and innovation.
  • (Host) Caroline Wrangsten, urban geographer and Assistant Project Manager in JPI Urban Europe.
  • Participants from anywhere in the world who will join the conversation through the chat room, polls and Q&A sessions. Previous Urban Lunch Talks have attracted visitors from more than twenty different countries, representing urban administration and public authorities, research communities, business representatives and civil society.The results of this webinar will feed into JPI Urban Europe’s AGORA workshop “Dilemmas of Public Space“, taking place on 20-21 November in Riga. The workshop in Riga will be used by JPI Urban Europe to (a) develop a policy brief on the matter of dilemmas related to urban public spaces (participants are welcome to be listed as contributors); (b) generate input for its 2020 joint call ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transition Capacities; and (c) provide input to the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership on Security of Public Spaces.

    Listen to the recording of this webinar on our Youtube channel, here.


JPI Urban Europe




Please click here for the frequently asked questions we collected.
If you have an additional questions you are welcome to mail us at info@jpi-urbaneurope.eu