Holidays Editorial by Margit Noll: “In 2022 we hope to realise a new European partnership of 27 countries”

Our second year under the Covid pandemic comes soon to an end and we are still stuck between online meetings and some first opportunities to meet again onsite, exploring ways of how to establish a new normal of transnational cooperation. At the same time the attention on climate neutral, inclusive, and regenerative cities has been growing this year.
Photo credits: Vienna Christmas Market. Newmarket Holidays.

The European mission on 100 climate neutral cities is paving the way for enhanced efforts, new alliances and strong political support. The experiences and activities of JPI Urban Europe are clearly dedicated to support this ambition and strengthen the European capacities to put strategies into action.

Since we announced our ambition to step up the game and drive urban transitions in our policy conference 2020, efforts have only accelerated, to say the least. During 2021 we, together with many of you, prepared the European partnership Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future. The partnership now includes 27 countries and the European Commission. Many of you have been part of the development of the strategic priorities and hopefully stay engaged throughout its implementation.

But besides these preparations, our many projects are still ongoing, delivering evidence, recommendations, experimenting in urban living labs, creating references on how urban transformation can be achieved. About 16 new projects kicking off soon!

This wealth of knowledge and good practice must be utilised and the JPI Urban Europe team will continue its efforts to make results available, offer opportunities for exchange and learning. We very much hope that you will continue being part of our community, engage and benefit from the JPI Urban Europe programme.

However, as we all need a break and rest before exploring new urban transition pathways, the JPI Urban Europe team wishes you a relaxing Christmas break and we look forward to meeting you soon again, healthy and well. 

/ Margit Noll, Chair of the management board in JPI Urban Europe

Read more about the proposed partnership “Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future”




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