Early scientists: become a World Science Fellow

Nieuwsbrief 1The ISSC (International Social Science Council) is looking for 20 talented, early career social scientists – to work on interdisciplinary perspectives at a seminar in Taipei, Taiwan, and to take them forward in their research and teaching activities after the seminar – and become World Social Science Fellows. The Call is open to early career social scientists, natural scientists, and humanities scholars working on topics to urbanization and sustainability.

Opportunity for interaction
Participants are offered the opportunity to interact with some of the leading thinkers in the area of sustainable urbanization, other talented early career social scientists from across the globe, as well as policy makers, practitioners, activists, and other stakeholders.

Becoming a World Social Science Fellow will enable you to forge new and lasting networks that can stimulate and support transformative social science research, while the experience will provide a basis for advancing your own career as an active member – and future leader – of the international science community.

Dates: 2 – 8 November 2014
Place: Taipei, Taiwan

For additional information please download the complete call
[download id=”1548″ template=”filenamelos”]  [download id=”1546″ template=”filenamelos”]




Please click here for the frequently asked questions we collected.
If you have an additional questions you are welcome to mail us at info@jpi-urbaneurope.eu