JPI Urban Europe promotes funds R&I for sustainable and resilient cities

In the framework of COST FP1204 the Scientific Conference on ‘Green Infrastructure: nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities’ took place in Orvieto, Italy.

The Conference’s aim was to focus on Green Infrastructure (GI), with a particular focus on Urban Forests, which can contribute to the improvement of the urban environment through a number of mitigation actions. The improvement of environmental and social/health circumstances will lead to a long-term amelioration in health conditions of the population, because of an improved urban environment (clean air, less polluting elements, less noise pollution) and a better quality of life (more leisure opportunities, less stress, increasing social cohesion).

The main objective was to show how a trans-disciplinary approach to urban planning, based on Green Infrastructure as Nature Based Solutions will enable maximisation of Ecosystem Services provision, making future cities more resilient and sustainable.

As a keynote speaker in the plenary session, Paola Clerici Maestosi, vice-chair of the JPI Urban Europe Governing Noard, held the speech ‘Green Infrastructure, when Joint Programming Initiative promotes and funds nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities’.
In line with the Conference ambition Paola presented the highlights on JPI Urban Europe initiatives, joint calls and the ERANET co-fund call, with a special emphasis on ERANET SUGI and a selection of research projects  from the JPI Urban Europe First and Second pilot calls.

Other keynote speakers in the plenary session were Christos Fragakis – DG R&I, Deputy Head UNIT I.3; Julie Raynal – DG Environment, EU Strategy on Green Infrastructure; Holger Robrecht – Deputy Director ICLEI, Europe.




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