Online Consultation for research and innovation agenda

What are the urgent challenges in urban transitions/transformations? What are the ‘hardest cases’ in the European urban mission? What and how are they defined by different communities and stakeholders? JPI Urban Europe needs your help to shape the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for 2020 and beyond – the ‘SRIA 2.0’.

During the implementation of the current agenda, we have learnt a lot on how the transnational European urban innovation ecosystem works. Similar to how the current agenda was co-created, we now need your brains and experiences, reflections and insights to shape the next generation.

Joining us in this strategy process will give you the opportunity to shape the urban research and innovation agenda for the next five to seven years, helping to define themes, issues, and approaches – in short, to develop the European urban mission! For this purpose, we have set up this public consultation.

In this stage, we also give the floor to city stakeholders to discuss strategic issues with us and other stakeholders. That is why your participation in the consultation will also give you access to the virtual Agora discussion platform.

The results of the public consultation will also feed into the Agora Strategic Dialogue which will take place in Bucharest from April 24-25, 2018. This live event by means of dialogues, site visits and co-creation invite the participants to reflect on dilemmas and potentials in urban transitions, identify research and innovation priorities and stimulate joint actions.

If you have any questions on the consultation or the Agora Strategic Dialogue please contact Johannes Riegler,

Join the platform

Join the consultation for SRIA 2.0


Background paper


Read more about the Agora Strategic Dialogue in Bucharest 24-25 April 2018
Registration for the event







Please click here for the frequently asked questions we collected.
If you have an additional questions you are welcome to mail us at