New article: Towards 100 Positive Energy Districts in Europe – Preliminary Data Analysis of 61 European Cases

Are you curious about the insights from an analysis of 61 Positive Energy Districts projects in Europe? Christoph Gollner (JPI Urban Europe Management Board and PED Coordinating Programme Manager) has together with colleagues Silvia Bossi and Sarah Thierling, published an article in the Energie journal Special Issue: Smart Cities and Positive Energy Districts – Urban Perspectives in 2020. What are the recommendations for future PED developments, as of today?


Positive Energy Districts and Neighborhoods (PEDs) are seen as a promising pathway towards sustainable urban areas. Several cities have already taken up such PED-related developments. To support such approaches, European countries joined forces to achieve 100 PEDs until 2025 through a comprehensive research and innovation program. A solid understanding and consideration of cities’ strategies, experiences and project features serve as the basis for developing and designing the PED program. JPI Urban Europe has been collecting information on projects towards sustainable urbanization and the energy transition across Europe. The collected cases are summarized in a PED Booklet whose update was recently published on the JPI Urban Europe website. Results presented in this paper provide insights from the analysis of 61 projects in Europe and offer recommendations for future PED developments.

Keywords: Positive Energy District (PED); PED Booklet; SET-Plan

About JPI Urban Europe’s work with Positive Energy Districts

Europe aims to be a global role model in energy transition and reducing its carbon footprint. Cities and the building sector play a decisive role in that process. Contributing to the ambitious targets of the European Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan, SET Plan Action 3.2 – the Programme “Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for Sustainable Urban Development” aims to support the planning, deployment and replication of 100 Positive Energy Neighbourhoods by 2025 and is joined by 20 EU member states. The Programme will be conducted by JPI Urban Europe, and involves stakeholders from R&I funding networks, cities, industry, research organisations and citizen organisations. You can read more about the progamme and access the “Booklet of PEDs” here.

>> Read the article
>> View all articles in the MDPI Energies special issue on PEDs




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