What are the key issues around co-creation of public services at the local level across Europe? Which challenges, potentials and characteristics can be identified? This seminar is organized by Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) JPI Urban Europe, University of Wroclaw and the project consortium Co-creation of Service Innovation in Europe (CoSIE). The CoSIE project states that public service innovations can be achieved by creating collaborative partnerships between service providers and service beneficiaries. During the implementation of CoSIE, the collaborative partners will test and develop the diverse methods of co-creation in the field of public services.
Agenda items in the seminar
- Policy statement: Co-creation of public services in actu – dilemmas and challenges for public policy, Dr József Bagó, county notary of Nógrád county
- Plenary Discussion I: Towards co-creation of public services in local practice in the European Union
- Plenary Discussion II: Towards co-creation of public services in theory and research
- WORKSHOP 1: Roadmap to co-creation: How to plan the process of co-creation?
Michael Willoughby, Universitat Politècnica de València, Magnus Lindh, Karlstad University
- WORKSHOP 2: Living Labs: How to support the Innovation of Relationships for Co-creation using Living Labs
Rob Willson, Northumbria University
- WORKSHOP 3: Lived experience: How to use Community Reporting method to create user profiles
Hanna Kirjavainen, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Ville Nieminen, Suomen Kuntaliitto ry
- WORKSHOP 4: Lived experience: How to co-create with stakeholders – useful methods and tools
Anna Janus, University of Wroclaw, Anna Miśniakiewicz, Active Senior Foundation