Sustainable mobility and logistics for post-pandemic second-tier cities

The project puts forward a novel inter- and trans-disciplinary approach for developing an emission-free, energy-independent and space-efficient mobility system based on car sharing and drone-based logistics to meet the influx of newcomers in second-tier cities without the construction of new heavy mobility infrastructure such as metro and tram lines, tunnels, bridges, and widening streets.

MaaS-Lane is designed based on the potentials of edge technologies tested in the pilot tests on EVs (electric vehicles), drones, on-surface solar panels, wireless EV charging, and hydrogen generation and storage, which are combined into a large-scale approach for mobility and logistics.

Including four universities with expertise in (1) geography and spatial planning, (2) traffic engineering, (3) logistics, and (4) electronic engineering, the project aims at developing and assessing the potential of its novel approach in 169 second-tier, and new first-tier, EU and Chinese cities and, together with partner municipality, to adapt detailed MaaS-Lanes for cities of Xi’an (China) and Nijmegen (the Netherlands). The project seeks broader impact by developing knowledge hubs, an interactive GIS database on the 169 cities for scientists and decision-makers, and an online platform for citizens.

Results and outcomes

Article: Escalating environmental inequalities in smaller European regions: A data mining


Duration: 2023 – 2026
Contact: Dr Bardia Mashhoodi, and Professor GE Ying-en
Project coordinator Europe: Wageningen University, Department of Environmental Sciences (University, The Netherlands)
Project coordinator China:
Chang’an University, College of Transportation Engineering (University, China)
Partners: Beijing Jiaotong University (University, China), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Educational institution, Sweden), Municipality of Nijmegen (Urban public authority, The Netherlands), Xi’an Transportation Development Research Center (Public institution, China), Energiforsk (Business, Sweden)




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