Positive Energy Districts for All : Energising Neighbourhoods through Fair Strategies

Positive energy districts (PEDs) are key tools to deliver the European Green Deal and climate targets by 2030. However, PEDs are often introverted islands in cities and mainly target upper middle class to high-end areas. The challenge is hence to develop PEDs in existing urban contexts and to create climate-neutral, resilient and liveable neighbourhoods that are accessibe for all. Building on the existing knowledge, PED4ALL takes up this next urgent task to define concrete, innovative, inclusive, and shared co-designed strategies for existing urban structures and communities. The project furthermore tests these strategies and defines upscaling and replication pathways.

Building on the results of TRANS-PED, the aim of PED4ALL is to develop feasible, operative, implementable and inclusive strategies that can be adopted by PED and neighbourhood stakeholders to realise a deep energy transition and holistic changes to cities. This three-year project will engage an action-oriented network of PED and neighbourhood stakeholders in Belgium, Italy, and Turkey. By the integration of expert and local knowledge through the application of a shared co-production methodology the PED4ALL consortium co-defines a set of energy, policy and regulatory, governance and social, spatial, and design strategies for urban transition and innovation, tests and replicates them. The project partners will engage in a series of online and in-person activities to co-produce a range of practical tools to build a community of practice and position Europe as a global role model for urban energy transformations.


Duration 2022-2025


Contact prof. dr Fabio Vanin


Partners: Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Studies – Vrije Universiteit Brussel,  Department of Architecture – Roma Tre University, Energy Institute – Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul Gaz ve Dogalgaz Dagitim A.S, Municipality of Kartal, Confluences ASBL, DUSS BV, Cultureghem vzw




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