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The TANGO-W (Transformative cApacity in eNerGy fOod and Water) project is an applied research project that develops urban transformative capacities (UTC) as a novel governance ability at the interface of food, energy and water. TANGO-W follows Wolfram’s (2016) capacity building approach, adopting a needs and requirements-based focus on the capacity building priorities of urban stakeholders (Objective 1). At the heart of TANGO-W is the multi-level capacity building approach (Objectives 2 & 3), which works at two levels. At the urban level, TANGO-W designs and implements Urban Living Labs 2.0 (ULL). At the European level, TANGO-W establishes a transdisciplinary Community of Practice (CoP) as an integrative and coordinating transformation system. Both are the spaces for the development of UTC according to the needs of urban actors in several dimensions (i.e. transformative governance formats, shaping new transformation roles; self-organization, technical skills and tools). At the same time, the ULL and CoP act as novel governance formats at local and EU level to accelerate urban change in a desired, sustainable direction. The activities of TANGO-W result in policy recommendations for replication and upscaling measures as well as in training concepts and pilot courses that support capacity building in TANGO-W fellow cities (Objective 4).
Duration: 2022–2025
Contact: Dr. Doris Wilhelmer (Project Coordinator)
Budget: 1.439.912,95 Euro in total, thereof funded 1.184.750,15 Euro
Partners: IPAK – International Project Management Agency Klagenfurt on Lake (AT), Wörthersee GmbH (AT), 4ward Energy Research (AT), Nordregio (SE), SIN – Smart Innovation Norway (NO), KTU – Kaunas University of Technology (LT), W.E.I.Z. Forschungs- & Entwicklungs-gGmbH (AT), Climate KIC Holding BV (NL), Campus Roslagen AB – UCV (SE), Alytus city municipality (LT), City of Stockholms Stad (SE), Halden commune (NO), Marker commune (NO)