TAP for uncertain futures

Society, accessibility and mobility are in a state of flux, compounded by the global shock of COVID-19.

Through a methodological approach that sequentially addresses theory, practice, design and application, Triple Access Planning for Uncertain Futures aims to advance guidance to improve the resilience and adaptability of sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs) in the face of uncertainty. Focus is upon the tripartite contribution to accessibility in our towns and cities of physical mobility, spatial proximity and digital connectivity. Existing urban mobility planning will be critically examined, and seven case study cities in five countries will be used to help achieve the project’s aims.

Results and outcomes

Read the results interview!


Duration: 2021-2024
Website: www.tapforuncertainty.eu
Contact: Professor Glenn Lyons, University of the West of England
E-mail: Glenn.Lyons@uwe.ac.uk
Budget: €1,611,411 (total project costs); €1,368,534 (requested funds)
Partners: Mott MacDonald – Cagliari Metropolitan Council – City Municipality of Nova Gorica – Norrköping Municipality – Swedish Transport Administration – Nijmegen City Council – City of Utrecht –Bristol City Council – Transport Scotland – Aberdeen City Council –University of Cagliari – Urban Planning Institute – KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Radboud University – University of the West of England – MuConsult

Further project info

Urban Lunch Talks

Urban Lunch Talk #36: Serious gaming as a way of understanding the world (23 January 2025)

A Handbook for Practitioners’ is now available and free to download!

The Handbook offers new thinking, tools and techniques, case study examples and advice intended to support those already taking forward TAP and those considering becoming part of this movement of change.

Click here to download the handbook

A card game

The project has developed a serious card game to help address the following challenge: How to capture and convey in an engaging way the introduction of a new approach to transport planning that allows for a critical consideration of its merits in a reasonable amount of time?

The game is called TAP-SWOT in a BOX and introduces the players to Triple Access Planning (TAP) and then presents them with a ready-made set of TAP’s potential Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT analysis). The aim of the game, as a team of players, is to sort through these four suits of cards and shortlist the five most important cards that form the basis of a recommendation as to whether or not TAP should be adopted as an approach for urban mobility planning.

Click here for further details and instructions on how to download and play the game!



Practitioners Views On Transport Planning’s Evolution PUBLISHED (pdf)




Please click here for the frequently asked questions we collected.
If you have an additional questions you are welcome to mail us at info@jpi-urbaneurope.eu