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Positive energy districts and neighbourhoods (PEDs) are a promising approach to rapidly achieve decarbonisation goals while creating more resilient and liveable cities. However, PEDs are challenging to implement because they require fundamental changes in the ways that cities are planned, designed, and operated in the long term. The aim of TRANS-PED is to develop a novel governance approach that can be adopted by PED stakeholders to realise deep and holistic changes to cities. This two-year pilot project will engage a learning network of PED stakeholders in Sweden, Belgium, and Austria to develop a shared set of tools and approaches to frame, embed, assess, and upscale urban energy innovations.
The project partners will engage in a series of online and in-person activities to co-produce a range of practical tools to build a community of practice and position Europe as a global role model for urban energy transformations.
Start/running period: 01.02.21 / 24 months
Applicant: KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Urban Planning and Environment
Consortium: Linköping University; City of Lund; Cosmopolis – Vrije Universiteit Brussel; DUSS-explorers; OEAW-ITA; FH Technikum Wien; UFGC GmbH; Kleboth und Dollnig ZT GmbH; StadtLABOR – Innovationen für urbane Lebensqualität GmbH; ElectriCITY Innovation