Human Cities
I had that splendid opportunity to participate in the 17th meeting of Governing Board of Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe. It was a
I had that splendid opportunity to participate in the 17th meeting of Governing Board of Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe. It was a
I have a confession to make. There is no such word as ‘entreprenabling’. I just made it up. But language is a
Notion: “Urban innovation ecosystems are better described by complexity and network dynamics rather than linear systems in causal chains (even if two-dimensionally
While we can easily say that the future will be made in cities – given their dynamism and their increasing share in
During the European Commission’s Open Days event JPI Urban Europe hosted a seminar around ‘Living Labs’ within the Open Days University: The
Funny old thing Europe. Just when you think it can’t pass another silly law, it goes and sets up the Joint Programming
Given the ambitious and formidable work the JPI Urban Europe identifies in the coming years for European urban research and innovation, the
‘JPI Urban Europe sees a growing interest in the urban living labs-approach and in how this approach can be of use in
12-13 June 2014, Athens The Week of innovative Regions in Europe ‘WiRE’ organized by DG Regio brings together different stakeholders in policy