JPI Urban Europe in the World Urban Forum #9

UN-Habitat is organising its 9th World Urban Forum from 7-13 Feb in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which will bring together over 25,000 participants from all over the world. JPI Urban Europe and the H2020 URBAN-EU-CHINA Project are contributing to the conference with a joint session on “The value of City-City Partnerships for Implementing the New Urban Agenda”. The aim of the session is to discuss the added value of global city-city partnerships for sustainable urbanisation and assessing the framework conditions required to facilitate successful global city. Meet and discuss with us on 11 Feb 2018; 9-11am in room 409.

For implementing the New Urban Agenda, partnerships with strong commitments and cooperation on all scales, from local to global are required. Bi-lateral and multilateral partnerships between cities can enhance international support for effective and targeted capacity-building to support national plans to implement the NUA and SDGs. Exchange and co-creation of knowledge, technologies and experiences regarding sustainable city services and infrastructures offers promising prospects for addressing issues of urban planning, environment, health, water, transport, ICT, hazards, resilience and disaster risk reduction, and improving the well-being of citizens.

The main aim of this session is to assess the framework conditions for dedicated, committed and successful triple/quadruple helix city-city partnerships for implementing the NUA. The discussions will be framed by presentations of examples for city-city partnerships aiming at exchanging knowledge, mutual learning and capacity building of projects funded by JPI Urban Europe and the experience of URBAN-EU-CHINA’s partners. Besides presentations the following questions will be addressed with active participation of the audience:

  • How can global partnerships contribute to the mobilisation towards a common vision on sustainable urban development?
  • How can global triple/quadruple helix city partnerships foster capacity building/knowledge creation for implementing the NUA?
  • What framework conditions are required to allow global partnerships among cities to be successful?


Sigrun Kabisch (Vice Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board; UfZ Leipzig) will be giving an input presentation on the strategic importance of the SDGs and the New Urban Agenda for a research and innovation programme such as JPI Urban Europe. Furthermore, Gabriela Viale Pereira (Danube University Krems) will point out the latest results from the SmartGov, how the project supports decision making in governance processes and why working with a quadruple helix approach in a research/innovation process is essential.

PDF: Networking Event: The value of City-City Partnerships for Implementing the New Urban Agenda

This activity is part of the URBAN-EU-CHINA and EXPAND project which have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 733571 and No. 726744.




Please click here for the frequently asked questions we collected.
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