15-Minute Cities in Africa: Transitions towards “safe, affordable, accessible, and just neighbourhoods for everybody”

On 22nd of September, JPI Urban Europe, Start International and ICLEI Africa kicked-off the co-organised workshop series “Driving urban transitions towards sustainable and just futures in Africa”. The aim of this workshop series is to develop visions and fields of action for urban transitions in Africa. As contribution to the African Mobility Month 2021, the first workshop focussed on the 15-Minute City, one of the transition pathways of JPI Urban Europe’s upcoming Driving Urban Transitions Programme.

The Smart Urban Futures synthesis webinar carried learnings for future activities

Era Net Smart Urban Futures (ENSUF) inspired researchers to get out of their comfort zone and to try new roles as moderators or translators and developed creative ways to engage with residents in local urban living labs. In the synthesis webinar on September 22, marking the end of the ENSUF initiative, researchers from the projects Smart Urban Intermediaries, CAPA.CITY and BRIGHT FUTURE engaged in a conversation to help leverage the learnings for future activities.




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