UERA Activities & Events


  • Presentation of Calls & matchmaking events
  • TWG 1 Economy and Welfare
  • TWG 2 Environmental Sustainability
  • TWG 2.1 Smart and Sustainable cities
  • TWG 3 Accessibility and Connectivit
  • TWG 4 Governance and Participation
  • Other events
  • Summer School

Presentation of Calls & matchmaking events


ENSUGI 2016 – EraNet cofund Smart Urbanization & Global Initiative

Leipzig 12-13 Jan. 2017

Presentation of elements for the future call on Urban Accessibility and Connectity – Arjan Van Binsbergen (JPI UE)

Trondheim October 2017

Presentation of JPI UE Calls
Margit Noll (JPI UE)Brussels January 2018
ERA-NET JPI UE Future call on Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) Aurélien Gaufrès (ANR)

Lyon June 2018

Presentation of EU calls

Vienna November 2018

JPI UE – ERA NET call on Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) Pascal Bain (ANR)

Brussel, February 2020

Presentation of the Green Deal call

September 2020 (visio) 34 participants

UERA presentation

TWG 1 Economy and Welfare

Chair : Maria Beatrice Andreucci (Le Notre / Roma Universidad) / Anna Steidle (Institute of Urban Landscape Management)


Urban conflict and convergence in the anthropocene

Co-organised by MB Andreucci, A Steidle, E Croci, E Lissandrello

BrainStorming, Mantua 28 November 2018 :

·       Nature Based Solutions, accessibility, mobility and urban economy

·       Health and wellness, environment, conservation and maintenance

·       Participation, co-production, social inclusion and governance



Multi-thematic event on circular economy, to come,

Gdansk fall 2021

Organised by Maria Beatrice Andreucci with UERA and Le Notre,

TWG 2 Environmental Sustainability

Chairs: Edoardo Croci (IEFE-Bocconi University (IT)) & Stephen Venn (University of Helsinki (FI))

Nature-Based solutions for urban resilience Seminar on Green Cities

Organised by Edoardo Croci, Benedetta Lucchitta (U. Bocconi)

5 June 2018 Milano, 100 participants  


Selected papers will be published on the EPEE special issue (2019-2020)

How to achieve the SDGs through local action

Organised by Edoardo Croci, Benedetta Lucchitta (U. Bocconi)

27 November 2020, 94 participants

Call For Papers


Selected paper will be published in the Journal of Urban Ecology

Editor : Stephen Venn, Edoardo Croci, Benedetta Lucchitta, Anne Ruas

UERA webinar on Regenerative circular economy 

Date : April 29, 2021

Organised by : Maria Beatrice Andreucci, Jonas Bylund and Edoardo Croci

Presentation from Maria Beatrice Andreucci

Presentation from Jonas Bylund

ACUTE seminars

More information

TWG 2.1 Smart and Sustainable cities

Chair : Gudrun Haindlmaier University of Vienna (AT), Monika Heyder EIFER (DE)


Smart cities

Organised by Judith Borsboom (Locality, NL)

Antwerpen, 11 February 2019, 50 participants


Integrated Planning and Implementation of Smart and Energy-efficient Solutions in Cities

Special Session at Smart Sustainable Planning of Cities and Regions 2019

Organised by Judith Borsboom (Locality, NL)

Bolzano 10 December 2019,

Synthesis of the event

Societal, Research and Innovation Challenges in Integrated 1 Planning and Implementation of Smart and Energy-efficient Urban 2 Solutions: How Can Local Governments Be Better Supported?

From Judith Borsboom (Locality, NL) and Simona Costa (EU)

Survey on Smart City to UERA members

Organised by Monika Heyder (EIFER, G) and Gudrun Haindlmaier (AIT, A)


Smart city concepts, transformation and standardization – IST 2020 conference

Organised by Monika Heyder (EIFER, G) and Gudrun Haindlmaier (AIT, A)

19 August 2020, on-line session

Call for participation, Presentation of the UERA survey on Smart city

UERA webinar on Positive Energy District

Organisers: Gudrun Haindlmaier (AIT); Monika Heyder (EIfER); Christoph Gollner (FFG); Gilda Massa (ENEA)

Date : April 16, 2021

Sum up


Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future
Smart and Holistic Cities UERA Thematic Working Group 2.1
PED Landscape


Contribution to PED (Positive Energy District) Stakeholder Group

Joint initiative JPI UE & SET-Plan action 3.2

Monika Heyder (EIFER, G), Gudrun Haindlmaier (AIT, A), Judith Borsboom (Locality, NL)

Contribution to COST Action CA19126 on PED (Positive Energy District)

Judith Borsboom (Locality, NL)

UERA Session at Nordic Edge 2021 Conference

September 22, 2021 from 08:00-17:00

Session on Positive energy districts as a vehicle towards smart and sustainable cities co-organised by UERA (2.1) in cooperation with EERA JP Smart Cities
During the Smart City research symposium at Nordic Edge 2021 Conference

Key dates & submission
Submission link
Deadline for abstract submission is June 1, 2021.
Decision on accepted abstracts June 20th

Organised by Monika Heyder (EIFER, G), Gudrun Haindlmaier (AIT, A) and Daniela Baer (SINTEF, No)

UERA Session at IST 2021 Conference

Organised by Monika Heyder (EIFER, G) and Gudrun Haindlmaier (AIT, A)

Karlsruhe, 5-8 October 2021



TWG 3 Accessibility and Connectivity

Chair : Alain L’hostis (Gustave Eiffel University)


Brainstorming on Developing the future societal and research challenges

Organised by Alain L’Hostis (Gustave Eiffel Uni, Fr)

Lyon, 20 June 2018, 13 participants

Main topics from the meeting

Seminar on Accessibility, mobility and territorialisation 

Organised by E Battaglini (Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio, It) and A-L Palazzo (Rome Tre Uni., It),

Roma 23 November 2018, 20 participants

Program, outcome

Urban research addressing the mobility transition

Co-Organised by Alain L’Hostis (Gustave Eiffel Uni, Fr) and NECTAR

Munich, 11 December 2019, 20 participants

Program, outcome

TWG 4 Governance and Participation

Chair : Enza Lissandrello (Aalborg University) and Pia Laborgne (EIFER) 


Humanification of the cities

Organised by Enza Lissandrello (Aalborg Uni; Dk)

Aalborg (Dk) 28-29 March 2019, 40 participants


Towards Co-creation of Public Services at the local level – innovative concepts and practice cross Europe

5 may 2021

What are the key issues around co-creation of public services at the local level across Europe? Which challenges, potentials and characteristics can be identified?

Registration will open from April the 15th. Participation in the seminar is free of charge.

More information


Special issue on Urban Governance and Participation

in International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities (IJUPSC)

Editor : Enza Lissandrello (Aalborg Uni. Dk) and David Ludlow (uwe, UK)


UERA Conference and General Assembly

The event is organised by: Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA)Karlsruhe Transformation Centre for Sustainability and Cultural Change/KIT-ITAS (KAT), Karlsruhe Real World Lab for Sustainable Climate Protection (KARLA) and in cooperation with JPI UE.

Other events


Sciences & Cities

Organised by Judith Borsboom (NL)

Vienna AIT 8-9 nov 2018, 36 participants

Synthesis of the event

UERA-IMU conference 2020

OrgFanised by Anne Ruas (Gustave Eiffel University, Fr) and Melanie Atrux (IMU, Fr)

Preliminary program 11-13 March 2020 Lyon   Cancelled due to covid 19 and replaced by a web conference with a reduced program :

Program of the web conference

1st July 2020, 37 participants


UERA conference 2021: Transforming Urban Governance in a Post-Pandemic World

Organised by Enza Lissandrello (Aalborg University, Dk), Pia Laborgne (EIFER, G), R. Chiarini (Enea, It), D Ludlow (uwe, UK), J. Dvarioniene (kut, Lt)

Date: 20-21-22 October 2021, Aalborg / Virtual / Denmark

Submission deadline : Abstracts 31 July 2021 

Read more and register

Contact and submissions: UERA@plan.aau.dk

Summer School


UERA-EERA summer school on Smart cities and infrastructure

Organised by Mohammad Repmmad Royapoor; Jennine Jonczyk Newcastle University

July 2018, Newcastle (UK), 11 participants


UERA- Summer school on Sustainable cities

Organised by Inneke Baatsen, University Antwerpen

23-27 August 2021

Information here, registration are open 

* Scholarships: Applicants from the following countries can qualify for scholarships provided by UERA: Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia.



If you have any questions, please contact the UERA coordinator.

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If you have an additional questions you are welcome to mail us at info@jpi-urbaneurope.eu