Making Cities Work – Finding solutions to urban challenges through cooperation

The Making Cities Work call invites municipalities, businesses, researchers, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create challenge-driven innovation projects for European urban areas that have the potential to result in commercially successful services and products.

Introduction to the Making Cities Work Call

A substantial knowledge base has already been created within JPI Urban Europe research projects. Other national and international (incl. EU framework) research initiatives are also generating knowledge about the development of urban environments including both technological and socio-economic aspects.

However, much of this knowledge is not accessible to potential users and is not easily implemented. Implementation of new solutions can be hindered by institutional barriers (e.g. standards and regulations for construction, installations, procurement), social barriers (e.g. resistance of organisations and individuals to accept new ways of doing things) and financial barriers (business models to implement social innovations are unclear or not viable, or there are insufficient possibilities for scaling up innovations).

The Making Cities Work call invites municipalities, businesses, researchers, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create challenge-driven innovation projects for European urban areas that have the potential to result in commercially successful services and products.

This call invites proposals for projects that tackle these barriers and address implementation issues. The projects will work on concrete urban challenges and focus on developing a proof of concept and learning on a European scale using transdisciplinary consortia with active participation of both municipalities and companies. For the development of this call, cities and public utilities across Europe have contributed actively to develop a vision on which urban challenges are most pressing to address and for which challenges learning and developing on a European scale has a real added value. Through both national and international brokerage events with cities’ representatives, businesses, researchers and NGOs the topics in this call have been decided upon.

Read more: Making Cities Work info flyer

Call topics

Topic 1: Re-thinking urban mobility
Innovative solutions to reduce city congestion

Topic 2: Implementing the smart sustainable city
From pilot projects within sectors and neighbourhoods to cross-sectoral services for citizens and business

Topic 3: Creating the city together
Closing the gap between citizens, companies and city policy

Topic 4: Innovative and sustainable city change
Reducing the negative impacts of construction sites

Details in the info flyer

Funded projects

The following projects were approved after the expert panel meeting in Stockholm in April 2018: 

InSight & EnLIGHT – Digital Citizen participation and transparent decisions
MIMIC – Minimizing impact of construction material flows in cities: Innovative Co-Creation
OptiMaaS – Optimized Mobility as a Service
PlaceCity – Placemaking for sustainable, thriving cities
SimpliCITY – Marketplace for user-centered sustainability services platform
SYNCITY – Synergetic Cities for Europe


Making Cities Work call text

Please note: In this adapted version of the call text (as of Jan. 11, 2018), Table 1 on page 3 has been corrected with regard to the eligibility of universities/research organisations in Finland.

Making Cities Work Guidelines

Download Making Cities Work info flyer

Download Making Cities Work Powerpoint

Form C Making Cities Work

Call secretariat

If you have questions on the general call process and proposal submission, please contact the Making Cities Work Innovation Action Secretariat:

Johannes Bockstefl, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Telephone: +43 5 7755 5042

Contact points of participating funding agencies
For questions regarding specific funding agencies’ rules and additional forms please check the following section 9 “Agency Funding Guidelines and National Contact Persons” first. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the indicated national contact persons at the participating funding agencies.

National Contact Points

Download National Contact Points Making Cities Work

Austria – FFG
Johannes Bockstefl

Belgium, Brussels region – Innoviris
Beata Bibrowska

Finland – Tekes
Ilmari Absetz

Norway – RCN
Mari Solerød

Sweden – Swedish Energy Agency
Emina Pasic

Sweden – Vinnova
Annika Bergendahl




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