Policy Recommendations in JPI Urban Europe

The JPI Urban Europe funded research- and innovation projects formulate evidence-based policy recommendations. On this page you find examples in different forms: written briefs, reports, methods, videos, tools, apps and more.

On this page you can find examples of policy recommendations that have been put forward by our funded projects, as well as by the JPI Urban Europe Stakeholder Involvement Platform AGORA. For more policy recommendations or other project outputs, please visit the projects’ websites or contact us.

Food, water, energy

The food-water-energy nexus and how to create integrated policies

The interactions between food, water and energy are of paramount interest to policy, science and the society at large, today and even more so in the upcoming decades. Challenges connected with population increase and food shortages, scarce water and insufficient energy resources demand solutions.
Midterm valorization report from the call “Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI) Food-Water-Energy Nexus” (2020)

Develop and maintain Positive Energy Districts

Learn about the success factors and challenges from over 28 districts working to develop and maintain positive energy districts. Explore the recommendations, enablers and guiding principles for local energy transitions.
Booklet of Positive Energy Districts (PEDs): “Europe towards positive energy districts” 2020

Prepare and respond better to urban pluvial flooding (app)

By using low-cost sensors and web-based technologies, citizens can be actively involved in urban flooding management and help reduce the vulnerability of urban areas, and citizens, to pluvial floods.
Learn more about how to prepare and respond better to urban pluvial flooding

Create flood-resilience policies

Learn about risk communication, legislative measures, responsibilities, and to coordinate private action and public regulation.
Flood-resilient cities start at home

Linking policy for low-carbon heating systems with social sustainability and water use

Creating sustainable heating infrastructures for the built environment is not just about reducing CO2 emissions, but also about sustainable water use and social inclusion, like energy justice. In this policy brief you can learn to combine urban policies for low-carbon heating systems, sustainable water use, and social inclusion.
Linking policy for low-carbon urban heating with sustainable water use and social inclusion

Governance and participation

Government’s use of social media for collaboration with citizens

This policy brief provides practical recommendations for governments, especially at the local level, to overcome challenges and make effective use of social networking sites for communication and collaboration purposes.
Policy Brief: Government’s use of social media for collaboration with citizens 

The role of municipalities in urban living labs

Learn to examine, inform and advance the governance of sustainability transitions through urban living labs. Test innovations in buildings, transport and energy systems.
Policy Brief: The role of municipalities in urban living labs 

Improving neighbourhoods by learning loops and co-creation

Learn how community-based visioning and design can lead to better neighbourhoods. Examples from Brussels, Manchester and Verona.
Making the city together: A new way of improving neighbourhoods and cities through learning loops

Urban intermediation- a support for social transformation

Learn how to support inhabitants and community makers to develop practical and cost-effective solutions that aligns with local circumstances.
Social transformation in urban neighbourhoods – Supporting smart urban intermediation

Housing and renovation

New measures of residential segregation levels

One of the main concerns of contemporary urban policy is residential segregation and its effects on social inclusion. Learn about residential segregation across five European countries, and new measures of segregation that are comparable across cities and countries.
Residential Segregation Levels across Europe: Innovative Methods show new Results

Using urban living labs for more successful urban regeneration

Learn about how to succeed with regeneration actions, strategies, policies and plans. Examples from large-scale housing estates in Brussels, Milan and Paris.
Urban Living Labs in the regeneration of large-scale social housing estates

Developing policies and fostering social innovation in (post)industrial towns

A guide to develop specific policies in (post)industrial small towns, with emphasis on fostering social innovations. The policies are based on industrial culture and feature detailed policy recommendations for five European towns.
A strategic guide for developing urban policies in industrial towns

Job creation, environmental upgrade, and social cohesion in urban transformation processes

These are recommendations for refurbishment and upgrade of existing housing and neighbourhoods and land activation. How can you achieve positive outcomes around job creation, the environment, and social cohesion in the process?
Innovative solutions for neighbourhood transformation: Ecological, qualitative and tailor-made land activation

Mobility and transport

Shared mobility services: Recommendations for operators and planners

Car, bike and moped sharing, and electric vehicles are increasingly popular among urban citizens. This policy brief provides recommendations for efficient and economically viable (electric) car sharing systems that improves urban mobility systems. Learn more from both a city- and operator perspective.
Recommendations: Shared mobility services: Recommendations for operators and planners

Public space

How to use digital tools in co-creation processes, and improve social cohesion

Learn how to develop strategies and tools that increases the quality of public open spaces, through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Co-Creation of Public Open Places. Practice – Reflection – Learning (2020)

Handling dilemmas in public space development and maintenance

Break down the complexity of developing and maintaining qualitative public urban spaces! Which are your dilemmas in this work? Explore examples and lessons learned for how to work in an integrated way. The chapters cover nature-based solutions, gender equality, inclusive design for safe neighbourhoods, processes for temporary use and co-creation, energy transitions, and more.
Unfolding Dilemmas of Urban Public Spaces – Recommendations by JPI Urban Europe’s AGORA 2020

Turning public libraries into urban innovation hubs

Learn how digital services help libraries transform into vibrant urban innovation hubs! By supporting knowledge creation activities among citizens, libraries can facilitate and store community knowledge as a shared and open resource.
A guide for place – and activity-centric digital library services

Urban Migration

Inclusive Housing Policies

Policy recommendations from the project ‘Inclusive Housing’ to improve housing for refugees in European cities and give inspiring practice examples from Austria, Germany and Sweden.
Inclusive Housing Policies: Housing is the beginning

Inclusion of Precarious Migrants in Essential Services

This policy brief draws lessons on policy and practice from a comparative research project, Local Responses to Precarious Migrants: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices in Europe (LoReMi). It analysed the approaches taken in three European cities, Cardiff (UK), Frankfurt am Main (Germany) and Vienna (Austria) towards one such section of their local population, residents with a precarious status. It sets out recommendations for local, regional, national and European authorities.
Inclusion of Precarious Migrants in Essential Services: Ten Policy Recommendations

Non-commercial sharing in socially mixed neighbourhoods

The policy brief from the ‘ProSHARE’ project gives general recommendations for non-commercial sharing in inner-city and peripheral located neighbourhoods. Main addressees of this policy brief are representatives of the local political-administrative systems, NGOs and activists from civil society involved in sharing practices.
Recommendations for non-commercial sharing in socially mixed neighbourhoods 

Supporting social integration of young, forced migrants

The policy brief from the ‘Art of Belonging’ project presents recommendations to supporting social integration of young, forced migrants in urban contexts through cultural place-making.
Policy brief: The Art of Belonging

Language training, accommodation, employment and gender aspects

Overarching trends and recommendations:

  • in language training and education frameworks
  • in asylum and refugee accommodation governance
  • to improve labour market access for displaced migrants
  • in gendered dynamics of displaced migration

Recommendations for language training, accommodation, employment and gender aspects

Help shrinking cities thrive and adapt during population decline

A series of policy recommendations about mitigating and reversing urban population decline, and to help shrinking cities adapt, transform and thrive. Learn about “smart shrinkage” solutions!
Smart Shrinkage Solutions: Fostering Resilient Cities in Inner Peripheries of Europe

Urban Economy

Urban manufacturing in the 21st century- what you need to know

Read these 12 policy recommendations about investment in urban manufacturing, and the opportunities available for public policy to stimulate the sector.
Foundries of the Future: A Guide For 21st Century Cities of Making

Other recommendations

Turning international urban policies into local urban transitions

Close to 500 participants from 40 countries joined the fifth JPI Urban Europe policy conferencce in 2020, with representatives from cities, regions, the EU Green Deal and the Leipzig charter. How can we transform the urban energy system, rethink the urban mobility system and space, and create green and circular urban economies? Learn more in the recorded breakout sessions!
JPI Urban Europe’s policy conference ‘Stepping up the Game – Driving Urban Transitions’ – video recordings

Using co-creation to ensure smart urban futures

The agglomerated recommendations by 15 R&I projects which togetther involved 65 cities and 20 countries. Topics cover:

  1. Concepts and strategies for smart urban transformation, growth and shrinkage
  2. New dynamics of public services and 3) Inclusive, vibrant and accessible urban communities.

An overview of over 25 policy recommendations by projects supported in ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures (ENSUF) 2020


Learn about all our funded projects

You can access the results catalogues from a variety of calls in our library. For more project results, visit the projects’ own websites, read interviews under blogs and articles or simply contact us.




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