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Urban lunch talk: New perspectives and approaches on urban transitions – What is needed for policy making?

27 May 2024 - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Welcome to a new episode of the Urban Lunch Talks series addressing new perspectives and approaches on urban transitions. The talk will follow up on a session about the topic at the Driving Urban Transitions Conference 2024 – in order to develop further what is needed for policy making.

>> Go to the Zoom webinar.

The webinar will be recorded and published for the JPI Urban Europe’s Youtube channel. >> You may download the event to your calendar (ics-file).

>> Click here to register for the event to make sure being invited to upcoming Urban lunch talks and networking activities.

After an interesting session at the Driving Urban Transitions Conference in Brussels about projects pushing the boundaries for new perspectives and approaches on urban transitions, there is a need to speak further about how change will come through policy making. For the conversations in the upcoming Urban Lunch Talk about how to move forward for policy making, representants from the city/region, state and international levels are invited for a panel discussion.

The theme of the event is connected to the ENUTC call (BTC) about the impact of art and design for urban transformation. We seem to be stuck in current modes of thinking, and old solutions, that were perhaps useful to solve old problems. This implies a need for research projects to emphasize the creativity, and the cultural sectors – to support and enable the transformation of our societies (cities) towards a sustainable, climate neutral and just future.

Still, what can the decision makers do when the research projects think outside-the-box – does policy making require the same kind of mindset? Obstacles for new perspectives, and approaches on urban transitions, and policy making are to be discussed Monday, May 27 at lunch. Most welcome!

Panel guests

  • Jenny Kornmacher, Innovations Director, EIT Culture & Creativity

Specialized in creative industries development and international relations, Jenny is an experienced leader within the cultural sectors of Europe. Based in the south of Sweden working for Region Skåne, she is also an Interim Innovations Director for the EIT Culture & Creativity. Jenny is ambitious to connect industries and creative sectors in order to support the innovation potential in a larger context, and through the business oriented Breakthrough Lab concept, innovation is promoted. She holds a Master of Arts focused in cultural studies/critical theory and analysis from Leuphana University of Lüneburg.

  • Annika Enqvist, Research and Education Coordinator, Public Art Agency Sweden

Her role contains building a new line of public programmes and mediation of public art, in relation to current societal and cultural issues – providing opportunities for mutual learning, and a broad dissemination of knowledge around public art. Enqvist is managing and curating the public programming with exhibitions, performances, public talks, and conferences for the agency’s public venue in Stockholm. She has developed university courses on artistic processes in the public realm at Blekinge Institute of Technology, and Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. Enqvist is educated at Stockholm University and Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, with an MA in curatorial studies.

  • Susanne Thurén, Strategic Urban Development, Umeå, Sweden

Susanne is engaged with strategic and sustainable urban development at Umeå in Sweden, part of NetZeroCities 112 Mission Cities (precursor to Cities Mission). Together with planners, statisticians, and analysts, a politicial stance is developed for the future of urban Umeå – where Susanne points to the role of culture and creative business. She has a background within the fields of international economics and policy making, with a degree in public administration and economics from Umeå University. Susanne has previously worked as a Deputy Director at the International Department at the Ministry of Finance, Government Offices of Sweden.


  • Johannes Riegler, Management Board Member, Driving Urban Transitions

Johannes engages urban actors to develop a transnational research and innovation programme for regenerative and livable urban futures. Multi-actor processes are designed to bring research communities, public urban administrations, urban change makers and anyone enthusiastic about urban areas together – challenges ahead could be tackled by exchanging knowledge and co-create. Johannes earned his urbanist (MA), and geographer (BSc) studies in Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen, Madrid, Budapest and Klagenfurt.

Urban lunch talk webinar series

The urban lunch talk is part of a webinar series to discuss and synthesize cross-cutting research and innovation, with diverse stakeholders across Europe, and beyond. The webinar is more of a listening experience, so that you can enjoy your lunch or taking a walk at the same time. The urban lunch talk is live-recorded in Zoom, and later published for the JPI Urban Europe’s Youtube channel.


27 May 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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Please click here for the frequently asked questions we collected.
If you have an additional questions you are welcome to mail us at info@jpi-urbaneurope.eu