Due to the large interest in this call and an unforeseen limit to the Zoom meeting of 100 participants, we regret to inform you that not everyone could have seat to the Zoom meeting. However, the key matchmaking is going on, and will continue in the matchmaking platform until 15 April. We welcome you to join the platform and include your project idea in your bio, make connections and schedule meetings with each other. The PPT from the Zoom meeting on 9 March is available here.
>> Go to the matchmaking: https://enutc.b2match.io/
If you have questions about how to best use the matchmaking platform, please forward them to patrik.ryden@viablecities.se.
For general questions about the matchmaking process in this call, please e-mail webinar@jpi-urbaneurope.eu
Welcome to a matchmaking event in ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC). The event provides an opportunity to more easily find potential project- and consorita partners for a joint application in the call. Participants to the event are introduced to the matchmaking platform and it is strongly recommended that participants have registered in the matchmaking platform (B2Match) prior to joining the event. Here, participants can create a profile and use the search function to find suitable consortia partners for a joint application.
- Welcome and intro
- Brief presentation of the call by the international call secretariat (Detailed call presentation is available here)
- Example of project ideas submitted by registrants upon registration
- Good advice from previous JPI Urban Europe funded projects
- Introduction and guidance to B2Match: Create your profile and partner search to build your consortia!
- Q&A via the chat
- Participants continue the matchmaking in B2Match for one hour. The platform is open for you to request meetings 1:1 as part of this matchmaking event.
Instructions for participation on 9 March
1. IMPORTANT: Create a profile in the matchmaking platform: https://enutc.b2match.io/
The second hour of the meeting will take place in this platform. Make sure you have registered and that you have requested some meetings for this hour (9 March 11.00 – 12.00):
– Register and create a profile by clicking “Register” in the upper right corner. Present yourself and your potential project idea to the other registrants in your profile.
– Partner search: Connect with interesting participants and request meetings to discuss the possibilities of forming a joint consortium that can submit a proposal. You can request and hold video meetings 1:1 directly in the platform.
– Remember: Each project proposal must be submitted by a project consortium consisting of at least three eligible applicants applying for funds in the call, from at least three different countries whose funders participate in the call. Which type of organisations that are eligible for funding depends on your national requirements. Learn more in the call text.
2. Visit the call page and get acquainted with the call text to learn about the criteria for consortium building
3. If you’re interested in a detailed call presentation, please listen to the recording from the information webinar.
4. We welcome you to join with your camera turned on to familiarise yourself with other interested participants in this call. Since we have about 200 registrants to this meeting, and with respect to the presenters, please stay muted throughout the whole meeting. You are much welcome to use the chat to get in contact with each other or ask questions.
About the ENUTC call
The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) invites researchers, urban government authorities, – including cities and municipalities, – businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create innovation and research projects that enable and support capacity building for urban transformations. Learn more on the call page.