Do you wish to exchange and make connections in the nexus of food, water and energy? Scroll this table and connect with 15 different SUGI project coordinators and their partner organisations! Interested in a specific country? Visit the SUGI Connect National Nodes page.
Call topic: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram Project Node: Jochen Wendel and Pia Laborgne (EIFER) |
Partner Nodes for Creating Interfaces:
European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER), Nicolaus Copernicus University, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Pracownia Zrownowazonego Rozwoju (PZR), Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI), 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software, Simbiotica, University of Warwick, Plantagon International, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. |
ENLARGEENabling LARGE-scale integration of technology hubs to enhance community resiliency via DDS in various urban FWE nexuses. Call topics: Project Node: Ni-Bin Chang and Edo Abraham |
Partner Nodes for ENLARGE:
Delft University of Technology, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, University of Central Florida, IRSTEA, ECOSEC, ECOFILAE, University of Florida, Florida Solar Energy Center, Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact – Resilient Redesign, National Taiwan University, Taipei City Government, Ecological Sequestration Trust |
![]() Globally and Locally- sustainable food-water-energy innovation in Urban Living Labs. Call topics: Project Node: Dr. Astrid Offermans, ICIS- Maastricht University. Phone: (0031) (0)433882691 |
Partner Nodes for GLOCULL:
Netherlands: ICIS – Maastricht University. Sweden: LUCSUS – Lund University – Barry Ness. Brazil: School of Public Health – University of Sao Paulo –Gabriela Marques di Giulio. Austria: BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna – Tamara Mitrofanenko. US: Arizona State University – Nigel Forrest. South Africa: Centre for Complex Systems in Transition – Stellenbosch University– John van Breda. Germany: Leuphana University of Lüneburg- Philip Bernert. |
Call topics: Project Node: Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira and team. |
Partner Nodes for IFWEN:
Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Sao Paulo School of Management (FGV/EAESP), The Nature of Cities, Ming Chuan University, The Africa Secretariat of ICLEI, Pourya Salehi, Senior Research Officer with ICLEI World Secretariat: Stockholm Resilience Center, ICLEI, Yale University, UNU-Flores, Ming-Chuan University |
Call topics: Project Node: Prof. Dr. Volker Coors, HFT Stuttgart. |
Partner Nodes for IN-SOURCE:
New York City: Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong, NYIT – New York Institute of Technology. Vienna: Dr. Ernst Gebetsroither, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. Montreal (associate partner): Prof. Dr. Ursula Eicker, Concordia University Montreal. |
Call topics: Project Node: Dr. Fi-John Chang, National Taiwan University. |
Partner Nodes for METABOLIC:
Japan: Makoto Taniguchi, Professor, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN). USA: Dr. Luis F. Rodríguez, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Brazil: Dr. José Vicente Caixeta Filho, Professor, University of São Paulo-Escola Superior de Luis de Queiroz (ESALQ). |
![]() Climate Resilient Urban Nexus CHoices: operationalising the Food-Water-Energy Nexus. Project Node: Dr Steffen Lehmann. |
Partner Nodes for CRUNCH:
University of Portsmouth, KnowNow Information, Eindhoven University of Technology, Experior Micro Technologies, Florida International University FIU, Uppsala University, Glasgow City Council, Gdansk University of Technology, AECOM, Soil Association, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council. |
![]() Smart integrated multitrophic city food production systems – a water and energy saving approach for global urbanization.Call topics: Robust Knowledge, Indicators and Assessments Multi-level Governance and Management Managing Potential Strategies and Solutions Facebook, LinkedInProject Node: Dr. Daniela Baganz, Phone: +49 30 64181628. Berlin, Germany. |
Partner Nodes for CITYFOOD:
Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. – Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research Division for Food Production and Society, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, University of Gothenburg, Wageningen University & Research, University of Washington |
Urbanising in Place
Call topic: Project Nodes: Michiel Dehaene and Chiara Tornaghi |
Partner Nodes for Urbanising in Place:
Ghent University: The department of Architecture and Spatial Planning. Coventry University: Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience. |
Vertical Green 2.0
Call topics: Project Nodes: |
Partner Nodes for Vertical Green 2.0:
Technische Universität Berlin, National Taiwan University, Urban planning institute of the Republic of Slovenia, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Green4Cities Vienna. |
![]() The Moveable NEXUS: Design-led urban food, water and energy management innovation in new boundary conditions of change. Call topic: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Project Nodes: Dr. Sami Sayadi, Professor of Sustainable Development, |
Partner Nodes for M-NEX:
Qatar University, QNRF Qatar National Research Fund, Ashghal Public Works, Turba Farms, Global Farms, AEB Arab Engineering Bureau, Qatar Media Corporation ORYX Radio, Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar. |
![]() Food-water-energy for Urban Sustainable Environments. Call topics: Project Node: Professor Steven Gorelick |
Partner Nodes for FUSE, click here:
Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Austrian Foundation for Development Research |
![]() The FEW-meter – an integrative model to measure and improve urban agriculture towards circular urban metabolism. Call topics: Project Nodes: Lidia Poniży, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań |
Partner Nodes for FEW-meter- click here. |
![]() Waste Food-Energy-Water Urban Living Lab – Mapping and Reducing Waste in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus. Call topic: Project Nodes: Professor Susanne Charlesworth, Coventry University and Daniel Black, db+a. |
Partner Nodes for Waste FEW ULL:
Coventry University, University of California, CICERO Senter for klimaforskning, University of Bath, University of Reading, Wessex Water Services, Bristol Food Network, GENeco, The Schumacher Institute, University of Campinas, University of Cape Town, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Isidima Design & Development, BlueCity |
SUNEXFormulating sustainable urban FWE strategy by optimizing the synergies between food, water and energy systems. Call topics: Project Nodes: Dr. Wolfgang Loibl and Dr. Ali Hainoun, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. |
Partner Nodes for SUNEX:
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), University of the West of England, Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Qatar Ministry for Municipality and Environment, |
>> SUGI Connect National Contact Nodes
>> #SUGInexus on Twitter
Visit the The Nexus Resource Platform for connections beyond the SUGI call
The Nexus Resource Platform is the leading global knowledge hub for managing and sharing resources on the Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus. It enables practitioners, researchers and policymakers to think beyond sectors to ensure access to water, energy and food for all. In 2021, the platform re-published the SUGI midterm report and promoted various materials from the call. Visit their web to access a variety of results and organisations working actively on the challenges and opportunities related to the SUGI call. The platform invites you to submit your materials to contribute to the dissemination of Nexus resources.