Do you wish to connect with others on innovation in the food-water-energy nexus? Scroll this table to find your country of interest- make connections in the SUGI call!
● University of Delaware: Andrea Sarzynski, for the Creating Interfaces project.
● Arizona State University: Mr. Nigel Forrest for the GLOCULL project. ● New York City Dept. of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Wastewater Treatment and NYC Mayors Office of Sustainability: Michael Bobker for the InSource project. ● New York City, Gowanus by Design: Jeffrey Raven for the InSource project. ● University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Dr. Luis F. Rodríguez for the Metabolic project. ● Miami City Council for the CRUNCH project. ● STANTEC Miami for the CRUNCH project. ● Florida International University, College of Architecture for the CRUNCH project. ● University of Washington: Prof. Gundula Proksch for the CITYFOOD project. ● University of Washington for the CITYFOOD project (Prof. Gundula Proksch)
● PZR: Joanna Suchomska for the Creating Interfaces project.
● NCU: Wojciech Goszynski for the Creating Interfaces project. ● City of Gdansk for the CRUNCH project. ● Gdansk University of Technology, Urban Initiative Lab for the CRUNCH project. |
● DDNI: IIulian Nichersu for the Creating Interfaces project.
● NCAR: Olga Wilhelmi for the Creating Interfaces project. |
● VerDuS SURF for the Enlarge project.
● ICIS – Maastricht University: Astrid Offermans for the GLOCULL project. ● City of Eindhoven: for the CRUNCH project. ● Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of the Built Environment Information Systems Group for the CRUNCH project. |
● VerDuS SURF for the Enlarge project. |
● LUCSUS – Lund University: Barry Ness for the GLOCULL project.
● City of Uppsala for the CRUNCH project. ● University of Gothenburg for the CityFood project.
● BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna: Tamara Mitrofanenko for the GLOCULL project.
● ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition (SNET) for the InSource project. ● City of Vienna: Ernst Gebethsroither for the InSource project. ● City of Vienna for the Vertical Green project. |
● Centre for Complex Systems in Transition, Stellenbosch University: John van Breda for the GLOCULL project.
IFWEN: Pourya Salehi, Senior Research Officer with ICLEI World Secretariat: |
● SynVer*Z: Dr. Jens Libbe for the InSource project.
● Forschungsnetzwerke Energie ● Ludwigsburg: Daniela Laßmann and Katharina Lutz for the InSource project. ● Landkreis Ludwigsburg: Department of environment/climate protection and Energy Agency Kreis Ludwigsburg for the InSource project. ● 3D Forum Lindau for the InSource project. ● ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition (SNET) for the InSource project. ● Aquaponics Knowledge Base for the CITYFOOD project. ● FEZ Berlin Living Lab: Eva Kulla for the CITYFOOD project. ● Senate of Berlin Dept. for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection: Goesta Baganz for the CITYFOOD project. ● Berlin for the Vertical Green project. |
● City of Montreal: Mrs. Ursula Eicker for the InSource project. |
● Sunny Rich Power Co., Ltd: Kuang Chen for the Metabolic project.
● National Taiwan University, Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering: Hang-Yeh Lin for the Metabolic project. ● Taipei City Council for the CRUNCH project. ● National Taiwan University for the CRUNCH project. |
● Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN): Makoto Taniguchi for the Metabolic project. |
● University of São Paulo-Escola Superior de Luis de Queiroz (ESALQ): Dr. José Vicente Caixeta Filho for the Metabolic project.
● University of Sao Paulo, School of Public Health: Gabriela Marques di Giulio for the GLOCULL project. ● São Paulo Living Lab: Jesaias Ismael da Costa for the CITYFOOD project.
● Southend-on-Sea for the CRUNCH project.
● Soil Association/ for the CRUNCH project. ● KnowNow Information Ltd – IT Systems for the CRUNCH project. ● AECOM Ltd for the CRUNCH project. ● Experior Micro Technologies Ltd for the CRUNCH project. ● University of Portsmouth for the CRUNCH project. |
● Arendal Living Lab: Atle Beisland for the CITYFOOD project. |
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The Nexus Resource Platform is the leading global knowledge hub for managing and sharing resources on the Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus. It enables practitioners, researchers and policymakers to think beyond sectors to ensure access to water, energy and food for all. In 2021, the platform re-published the SUGI midterm report and promoted various materials from the call. Visit their web to access a variety of results and organisations working actively on the challenges and opportunities related to the SUGI call. The platform invites you to submit your materials to contribute to the dissemination of Nexus resources.